Can't consume bread, mushrooms, vinegar, beer, etc. if you have yeast
"Sbharris[atsign]" wrote:
> The short answer is there's no reason in the world not to eat these
> foods when you have a yeast (candida) infection. Anybody telling you
> otherwise is just pushing non-understanding of physiology, plus perhaps
> some stupid Chinese astrological horseshit that manages to retain
> respect only because a lot of English speakers figure that anything
> that hard to understand, must contain some secret wisdom (plus, they
> watched David Carrodine Kung Fu people on TV, when they were kids).
> You want to know what drinking vinegar does to the pH of your body?
> Exactly nothing. It's metabolized to CO2 and water, and the CO2 goes
> off in your breath. Vinegar is no more acidifying than sugar or fat.
> And less acidifying than protein.
It's wierd tho - my gyn doctor recommends yogurt for chronic yeast
infections. In spite of the OP's notion that a fermented acid product is
bad news, we are sure it helps reduce yeast infection. She was quick
to point out it should be eaten, not used otherwise!