On 02 Jan 2005 00:28:13 GMT, (RMiller)
> Gumbo was what I intended to make, a good way to start off 2005.
> All my ingredients were together, and tho I have been nursing a cold, I was
> ready to go.
> Started with the roux, this is the key to the whole dish. You have to take it
> slow and easy, I did, stirring constantly, for about an hour over low heat.
> I watched it tun brown and was pleased.
> Added the trinity and a few other things and put ot on simmer. Wait a minute,
> I better taste it.... OMYGAWD , it was awful..... The oonly thing I can think
> of that happened , is that I burnt the roux somehow. It did not look burnt, and
> it did not smell; burnt ... The cold I have probably blocked my sense of
> smell.
Sorry to hear about that. I think you're right about your
cold affecting how it turned out.
> Yes, ended tossing the whole mess away. All the times I have made Gumbo, and
> mine is delicious... usually.--- this has never happened.
So, what did you do with the main attraction of your gumbo?
Was is a seafood gumbo? If so, you could have gone on to
make choppino.
> 2005 is not starting off well. Happy New Year to everyone though..
{{{virtual pat on shoulder}}}
2005 will get better when you are well again.