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Chris Hertling wrote:

> This evening, I racked my first batch of wine from the 6 galon primary
> fermenter into a 6galon Carboy. Since the kit I am using is actually for 5
> Galons, the must only reaches the shoulder of the carboy. I have received
> conflicting information on wheter to worry about topping off at the start of
> seconday fermentation. Should I go out and buy a few bottles of
> commercially produced Zinfindel to bring the level to the neck, or should I
> be OK as long as I have an airlock installed?
> Thanks,
> Chris Hertling
> North Kansas City, MO

When I made 2 similar types of Red in 5 gallon batches from Zinfandel
and Barberra grapes, I took the pressed grape skins from both primary
fermentations, added a couple of gallons of sugar and water with a SG of
1.095, and made a couple of gallons of a second run wine. I use this
wine to add to the carboys of the good stuff, the remainder I will use
for cooking. Great for Spaghetti Sauce, Stroganoff, and even soups! The
second run stuff resembles the first run stuff, but the taste is
somewhat watered down.