Bruce_Nolte_N3LSY& wrote:
> Chris Hertling wrote:
>> This evening, I racked my first batch of wine from the 6 galon primary
>> fermenter into a 6galon Carboy. Since the kit I am using is actually
>> for 5 Galons, the must only reaches the shoulder of the carboy. I
>> have received conflicting information on wheter to worry about topping
>> off at the start of seconday fermentation. Should I go out and buy a
>> few bottles of commercially produced Zinfindel to bring the level to
>> the neck, or should I be OK as long as I have an airlock installed?
>> Thanks,
>> Chris Hertling
>> North Kansas City, MO
> When I made 2 similar types of Red in 5 gallon batches from Zinfandel
> and Barberra grapes, I took the pressed grape skins from both primary
> fermentations, added a couple of gallons of sugar and water with a SG of
> 1.095, and made a couple of gallons of a second run wine. I use this
> wine to add to the carboys of the good stuff, the remainder I will use
> for cooking. Great for Spaghetti Sauce, Stroganoff, and even soups! The
> second run stuff resembles the first run stuff, but the taste is
> somewhat watered down.
Although my method of "topping off" might be irrelevant in your case,
what you might want to do is add enough grape juice concentrate
corrected to 1.095 SG to top off your container and get fermentation
going again for a while. The other alternative is to find a 5 gallon
Carboy,which are readily available from Wal-Mart for about 6 bucks each,
or you can buy bottled water in the carboys for about 12 or 13 bucks,
drink or use the water, and keep the carboy rather than returning it for
deposit. Plastic ones are okay, but I am looking out for some
old-fashioned glass ones to replace them with.