Paul E. Lehmann wrote:
> Bruce_Nolte_N3LSY& wrote:
>>I took the pressed grape skins from both primary
>>fermentations, added a couple of gallons of sugar and water with a SG of
>>1.095, and made a couple of gallons of a second run wine. I use this
>>wine to add to the carboys of the good stuff, the remainder I will use
>>for cooking.
> I discourage others from doing this. In my opinion, I think one should top
> up with wine of equal or better quality.
> I have made second run wine myself but I use it to blend with mediocre wine
> which can't be hurt that much. I have recently blended some high pH wine
> with some low pH second run wine and the result is something I can drink as
> an every day wine.
Using second run wine to top off the first would probably be better than
pouring some "wine in a box" type wine to top off the carboys. Who knows
what is in that stuff! Second run wine varies in quality depending how
hard you press the lees, how long you let primary fermentation go, etc.
I used a mesh laundry bag to squeeze the juice out, which did a pretty
efficient job, so the results of my second run were pretty disappointing
in terms of flavor and color, compared to what I have done in the past,
when I only pressed the skins lightly. I brought my grapes this year,
and tried to make the most of them. I have on order about 25 each of
grafted Seyval and Chambourcin vines, so I will have plenty of raw
material to work with in a couple of years if my vineyard prospers.