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Sam C.
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It is not wise to rip on an ancient proven medicine - especially if you
are ignorant in how it operates. Your response is lame and without

If you have candida - eat those foods and you will notice a flare up of
symptoms. If you avoid them - your symptoms will be much less.

All the above foods cause dampness. There is no disputing that. You
have a sinus infection or coughing up mass phlegm - drink milk, eat
bread and sugar - youre going to be coughing up way more. This occurs
as dampness creates more yin - which is fluid in the body - when this
occurs, yang - which is movement and fire - is blocked. This impedes
the digestive fire thereby creating dampness - thereby creating a great
environment for candida.

You think Im a quack - that's fine. Go buy your drugs and mess with
your beneficial flora and liver. If you dont - you saved yourself a
visit to the doctor every time you get sick with an URI which can be
lessened by diet. Eat ginger, garlic - warming spice foods which will
stimulate your digestive fire and rid the dampness.

You want to dispute proven medicine - you cant. You want to tell those
millions of patients treated for the past 1000+ years that they got
healthy from pills - dont think so.

Ignorance is not a good thing to have. Be open and learn when
something pops up new instead of bashing on it due to fear of the

Respect a form of medicine that works AND saves billions of dollars a

Like what I have to say - go to - where everything
is health promoting and non-pharmaceutical. I dont think Sbharris will
be visiting there...he'd rather take some drugs and drink beer while
having candida. Enjoy it. Drug companies love do fungi and

You going to tell me that steroids are ok to take as well??


Sbharris[atsign] wrote:
> The short answer is there's no reason in the world not to eat these
> foods when you have a yeast (candida) infection. Anybody telling you
> otherwise is just pushing non-understanding of physiology, plus

> some stupid Chinese astrological horseshit that manages to retain
> respect only because a lot of English speakers figure that anything
> that hard to understand, must contain some secret wisdom (plus, they
> watched David Carrodine Kung Fu people on TV, when they were kids).
> You want to know what drinking vinegar does to the pH of your body?
> Exactly nothing. It's metabolized to CO2 and water, and the CO2 goes
> off in your breath. Vinegar is no more acidifying than sugar or fat.
> And less acidifying than protein.