On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 22:44:55 -0500, "Piezo Guru" >
>So it is magic then?
no, it is normal metabolism.
>or does it take an alkaline substance to do this?
>Wouldn't that lower the pH level in your body as it uses it's alkaline
>reserves to accomplish neutralizing of an acid compound? Isn't this basic
>grade 9 chemistry?
Ah, now a very specific concern, the difference between acetic acid
and the acetate ion. Yes, it costs one molecule of alkali. But with
normal ingestion of vinegar, this is a negligible demand on your
system. So, the point you make here is qualitatively correct, but
quantitatively negligible.
>"Bob" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Fri, 7 Jan 2005 17:41:03 -0500, "Piezo Guru" >
>> wrote:
>> >How would vinegar get metabolized into these compounds? Magic?
>> The "active ingredient" in vinegar is acetic acid. That is a normal
>> body chemical. Your body's metabolism of sugar includes a step where a
>> form of acetic acid is made. So you really are converting acetic acid
>> to CO2 and water all the time.
>> bob