"JimLane" > wrote in message
> Janell wrote:
>> I am about to purchase a 5 quart KitchenAid mixer. I'd like to hear
>> pros and cons regarding the two styles I've seen: (1)the bowl lifts or
>> (2)the mixer itself tilts up. Is there a big functionality issue with
>> either style, or is it mostly personal preference? Thanks in advance
>> for any input!
> Horsepower?
> Go he
> http://www.kitchenaid.com/catalog/ca...categoryId=310
> Tilt-Heads designed for high-performance household mixing
> Bowl-lifts designed to mix thick batters and heavy yeast bread dough
> jim
I bought about a year ago the "bowl-lift" design. This is a replacement of
the same type I had bought in the 80's. My use is mainly for bread and only
a few other things. If I were buying instead, I would buy the 6 qt. mixer
(for capacity), although I do not know now whether it is tilt or lift.