Thread: dinner
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Michael Odom
Posts: n/a

On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 05:05:38 GMT, "Lucy" > wrote:

>Ok.. I've finally stopped salivating <grin>
>Sounds like you're a very good cook..

Thanks. I have my moments, but I'm always prepared to retreat to Taco
Bell when things in the kitchen turn sour. For example:

>question though.. how many minutes per pound did you cook the loin?
>I always have trouble with loins/roasts being too rare or too dry.. I like
>medium, or medium well.. I'm not sure which it is called. (not a lot of
>pink, just barelyyyy pink)

I have to say that I don't have a methodology. I cook by eyes and
ears and nose. This is especially the case with my convection oven.
I haven't had it long enough to figure out nicities of timing and so
forth. I did use a meat thermometer on the loin, however. It was
about 140-145F or so when I pulled it out of the oven if I recall
correctly. The internal temp will continue to rise for several
minutes after it comes out. My roast was not pink inside, but it was
not dry either.


"Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
-- Jimmie Dale Gilmore