Thread: Brewing
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  #13 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Lew Bryson wrote:

> [...]
> I don't start many topics myself, John, but I post a lot...

Yeah, but, geez, Lew... dincha know that ya gots to originate lots o'
posts to get street cred now? Helps if you're 24 and are a mite thin-
skinned, too.

> usually in
> response to topics that start out with requests for help, like YOURS. I'd
> suggest you spend your Google time searching for business plan advice

Google for starters. Books. People in the trade. All sorts of stuff.

> instead of looking for ways to tickle Don's ass.

Ew. Now I gotta go take a shower.

> Starting a brewpub in Roanoke is going to take some serious education: that
> is one of the most beer-dead towns I've seen in the past five years.

And it's not like there isn't any money in that part of the country...
or maybe there isn't. Seems like somebody's figured that the local
trade just doesn't seem terribly likely to support a brewpub. But who
knows? Maybe someone with a pile o' cash might put paid to that.

> Might
> want to consider trying it in Blacksburg instead, or maybe try a beer bar in
> Roanoke. Just a thought. Feel free to check the archives for what other
> thoughts I've had.

Startup costs for a good beer bar certainly would be a lot less. But
the best example I can think of in southern VA is clear across the,
state: the Green Leaf in Williamsburg. Good beer selection, great
college tav. Might be a better one closer by.