Thread: Brewing
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  #22 (permalink)   Report Post  
John Nervo
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But Lew pointed out an even better alternative, and one not so nearly
capital-intensive as opening a brewpub: open up a bar specializing in
selling a really good selection of regional beers from small breweries.
You got 'em in Virginia, Delaware, Pennsylvania... of course, it might
be a challenge to get 'em from the local distributors, but that in
itself would be part of a useful education regarding the beer trade
where you live. The very act of working in a bar or restaurant and
gettin and idea of what the work is like, and what people expect, is
also an education in itself.

True, and a good point. This is the type of constructive criticism and
information that I was looking for. I had not thought about opening a
bar with good micro breweries represented. And certily getting
educated is a must.

Do people drive the 30 _minutes_ to Blacksburg to drink good beer
Do you? FTM, have you considered going out to Blacksburg Brewing and
asking if you could learn how to brew on a professional basis there?
You might learn things that might either confirm your interest in going
professional, or change your mind about the trade entirely. If you
think it possible that people might drive half an hour to drink
you brew, turn it around: would you drive half an hour - or more - to
go apprentice somewhere and learn the trade?

Have you considered going elsewhere to learn - really learn, in a
classroom setting - about beer and brewing, like at the Siebel
Institute in Chicago, or at UC Davis's brewing programs in California?

I agree that a 30 minut drive is not good. Currently people from
Roanoke do the drive b/c of the lack of decient beer and entertainment
in general. I added the bit about the distance b/c blacksburg has an
established brewery (currently re-opening as a brewpub) and I feel that
It would be, buisness wise, smarter to open in Roanoke where the
population is about double that of Blacksburg and also if properly done
would provide Roanoke with a closer brewpub with good beer and
entertainment.(Sorry about rhe poor punctuation and spelling)
I didnot know that there was beer college. I will certinally look into


John Nervo