"John Nervo" > wrote in message
> Wow dgs you really are an ass
> My point was that maby instead of picking apart other peoples ideas,
> experiances or whatever you could maby share your own. surly you could
> share your latest trip, but not in responce or rebuttal to someone
> elces efforts but as your own. Hell I tought you might even share tour
> passion for beer. thats all .
Actually, Don's not an ass in the least. . . I figure he's spent a few
trying to educate you on the biz. However, since you seem to be bound
and determined to flaily about and not pay attention to the opinions you've
solicited, I'm sure you know what's best.
Look, junior, take a lesson from Lew and Don. If you want to play in
the beer biz, then you should probably do some heavy research. Roanoke
isn't even going to support a multi-tap. You want to open a taproom in
Roanoke? Make lots of room for MGD, AB products, etc. That's the
reality. The profit margin to be made off of beer geeks is razor thin -
in robust markets. Don't go ****ing on Don because you came off with
a half-baked idea.
P.S. - If you want to search for original posts from me, you might want
to go back to the cfv that started this newsgroup. . .