"dgs" > wrote in message
> John Nervo wrote:
>> I started brewing about two years ago. I mainly concitrated on wine
>> and mead I gess b/c I enjoy drinking wine and I don't like most
>> commercial brews that I have tried(I am always open to trying new
>> brews). I recently(Sept 04) worked a wedding reception that served
>> only home-brew. The beer was great and inspired me to try a beer brew.
> So let me get this straight: until last September, you'd never brewed a
> beer in your life. Correct? You'd been making wine and mead (not
> brewing, wine-making and mead-making) for the last couple of years.
Don -
Fish, barrel, large bore rifle. . .
And to think, I've skipped reading rfdb for months. Hopefully, this guy is
a troll, and we've all been drawn in. The alternative is too horrifying to