Juan Harry Boosh wrote:
> "John Nervo" > wrote in message
> oups.com...
>>Wow dgs you really are an ass
>>My point was that maby instead of picking apart other peoples ideas,
>>experiances or whatever you could maby share your own. surly you could
>>share your latest trip, but not in responce or rebuttal to someone
>>elces efforts but as your own. Hell I tought you might even share tour
>>passion for beer. thats all .
> Actually, Don's not an ass in the least. . .
You take that back!!
> I figure he's spent a few
> minutes
> trying to educate you on the biz.
I bear my burdens so lightly, but burdens they are.
> However, since you seem to be bound
> and determined to flaily about and not pay attention to the opinions you've
> solicited, I'm sure you know what's best.
..sigquote here, getcher .sigquote here!
> Look, junior, take a lesson from Lew and Don. If you want to play in
> the beer biz, then you should probably do some heavy research.
Maybe if we all get together and sing this in three-part harmony with
synthesizers and lasers ... ? I know for a fact that Lew can carry one
hell of a tune.
> Roanoke
> isn't even going to support a multi-tap.
Let alone a brewpub, unless someone has *really* deep pockets and is
willing to watch a lot of money swirl down the drain.
> You want to open a taproom in
> Roanoke? Make lots of room for MGD, AB products, etc. That's the
> reality. The profit margin to be made off of beer geeks is razor thin -
> even
> in robust markets.
Yep. You don't go into the beer biz - serving it or making it - to
get rich quick, or even at all. I believe it was a wise ol' pub-
owner in Portland (the one in Oregon, folks) that suggested it was
far more profitable to be a property-owner leasing space to pub-
keepers, than to actually be a pub-keeper.
And most of all, you gotta know your market. Maybe there is room for
a specialty beer bar in Roanoke, VA. Maybe, if enough people are
weaned off BudMillOors there, they'll go for something with a little
more robustness (robusticity?) and flavor. Maybe. But somehow, I
wouldn't lay huge bags o' bucks on it.
> Don't go ****ing on Don because you came off with
> a half-baked idea.
Jeez, there's my third shower today. Will you people just stop?!?
> P.S. - If you want to search for original posts from me, you might want
> to go back to the cfv that started this newsgroup. . .
Yeah, but what have you contributed? What? C'mon, the world belongs
to youth, brimming with happy, clueless enthusiasm, not tired, wizened,
cynical old RFKIA beer geeks on Usenet.