Juan Harry Boosh wrote:
> "dgs" > wrote in message
> ...
>>ObLastNight'sBeers: Grant's Perfect Porter and Duchesse de Bourgnonne,
>>both on tap at my local. The GPP was in perfect shape, solid roasty
>>flavor with a touch of sweet malt in the finish. The Duchesse has
>>risen to top rank of my favorites among Belgian Oud Bruin ales, and
>>it, too, was in far better shape than I had any right to expect, with
>>a tasty symmetry of sour and sweet on the palate. I could inhale the
>>aromas from that beer all night long. The local is doing Dark Beer
>>January this month, so I'll have to scamper back for more of their
>>goodies. And your local is serving ... what, exactly?
> I'm sure the answer's going to be "yes," but did you get a chance
> to try to the Dupont (not the saison) draught beer at Tangletown
> recently.
I regret (a bit) that I didn't. However, I hold as much, if not
more, regard for bottle-conditioned Dupont beers as for what comes
out of the tap, and ...
> Les Bonne Veux, or somesuch. . .
Avec les Bonnes Veux or summat, yeah. Had some earlier last year,
and, well, ****ING GOOD. Again. You know the drill with those
Dupont beers - it's not just that complex of flavors, spicy and
complex on top of that malt, it's that indescribably filling,
almost "fluffy" mouthfeel. Me heart this beer.
> Jesus H. TapDancing
> Christ that's a great beer.
I violently agree with this psot.