I don't recommend the Ove glove. I bought one and would have burned my hand
had I not put the hot dish down and got another mit. The Ove glove did not
live up to what it promised in my opinion.
"Dee Randall" <deedoveyatshenteldotnet> wrote in message
> "Jeffrey Dunnam" > wrote in message
> ink.net...
> > It does have several prominent warnings not to use it wet. I just got
> > as a present. I have been using those dimpled square silicone pads and
> > far as taking the heat, the Ove glove performed equally well. The
> > of the pads as noted in Cook's Illustrated is that if it gets at all
> > greasy, it gets very slippery. The Ove Glove got kinda dirty today while
> > roasted glazed Cornish Hens on a sheet pan. Will see how it washes and
> > performs after that.
> Please let us know how it washes and performs. I've been careful with my
> glove not to get it too dirty so far.
> Thanks,
> Dee