Sheryl Rosen wrote:
> Dog3 at wrote on 1/8/05 10:31 PM:
> >>> Michael
> >>
> >> I used to be one of the Nutro reps at the pet food store, a few
> >> ago. It IS good food for them. Very good. Nutro doesn't advertise
> >> like Iams and Science Diet, and others, do. They rely more on word
> >> mouth advertising. And those in-store reps. Their ad dollars go
> >> instead to using more expensive ingredients.
> >>
> >> What formula are your babies on, Michael?
> >
> > Whatever the adult stuff is. I don't remember the name of it
exactly. Hoot
> > has thrived on it. Her coat is gorgeous.
> Pink bag is Natural Choice Adult.
> Orangey-tan color is Max Cat Adult.
Supposedly they "renamed" Maxx Cat Adult "roasted chicken" or some such
schlop. I can't buy the old Maxx cat Adult here (Portland, OR) and
the "new, improved", the cats won't eat.