Thread: Brewing
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Joris Pattyn
Posts: n/a

> Hèhè, I finally caught Don with a language mistake.
> Avec les Bons Voux de la Brasserie Dupont, it is, Voux being male.
> Incidentally, I visited the brewery last month, and I learned from Olivier
> Dedeycker that the name was more litteral than just a variation on the New
> Year beers. Originally it was a very limited brew, lagered very long
> (that, it still is), and every customer placing a serious command around
> the holiday period, got ONE complimentary bottle of this special brew. But
> demand got too strong...
> Cheers, Joris

STUPID Usenet Unicode. It omitted the o+e sign I carefully printed, and
changed it by an o. Typical for the Internet, an absolute disregard for any
other language than English.

Oh well, caught in my own trap ;^}