Bob Simon wrote:
> I've been slicing rump roast thin for my home made jerky.
> I'm happy with the flavor and texture of my jerky but I'd
> like less connective tissue. Is there an economical cut
> of beef that has less of this stuff, or is there a fast
> way to remove a good bit of it?
The Mexican markets here often have very thin cut flank steak on sale. It's
cut about 1/4 inch thick. Whenever I see it on sale I get a couple of pounds
(or more) and roll the steaks up with the grain running the length of the
roll prior to freezing. I can then partially thaw them, cut across the rolls
and have jerkey strips quite easily. I cut them and dump them in a large
ziplock bag along with the spices and some Morton's Tenderquick. A day or so
in the fridge it's ready for the dehydrator. I'm out of jerkey at the moment
so I'll hve to get some going this weekend. Often I pull it from the
dehydrator a bit early and finish it in the smoker to gain a more "woodsy"
Pete Romfh, Telecom Geek & Amateur Gourmet.
promfh at hal dash pc dot org