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In article >,
>On Sun, 09 Jan 2005 10:39:53 -0600, jcoulter
> wrote:
(Hunt) wrote in :

>> but I've never found cat pee.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Hunt

>>Just remeber that it (the cat's pee) is a good thing! present in the better
>>Sancerre as well.

>I hereby nominate you for further research on that particular
>attribute. You know, the usual standard verification, validation,
>certification, etc. Relationships to breeds and size of cats,
>consistency of flavor, aging for maximization of taste, etc. That sort
>of thing. I'll stick with flinty, fruity and the occasional
>fine-grained tannin sort of descriptors. ;-)
>Ed Rasimus
>Fighter Pilot (USAF-Ret)
>"When Thunder Rolled"


Are you saying that that research project is "urine?" Sorry, couldn't resist a
bit of my "red-neck" humo(u)r. I too do not find that flavor/odor a nice one,
however, I do admit that some of the mercaptane [SP?] aromas, that would
normally be off-putting elsewhere, do seem pleasent in some wines, same for
the "barnyard" aspect in some PNs - in very small does, though.
