I really don't think the channel makes a difference at Costco. They run a
clean outfit and wine does not sit in back rooms. Distributors deliver to
wine section.
"Hunt" > wrote in message
> In article >, says...
>>I raised this question as part of another thread, but it went unnoticed
>>I really would like some opinions on it.
>>On the recommendation of a friend (who is something of an Italian wine
>>buff), I picked up a bottle of Rosenblum Zin - Richard Sauret Vineyard -
>>2003 (US$12.49 at Costco..... my friend paid $18 at BevMo - h-m-m-m) and
>>tried it with some pizza. The 2002 vintage of this wine was a 92
>>point WS pick, I think. The immediate sensation was very musty. I didn't
>>really taste anything off, though the wine seemed very flat at first, but
>>the mustiness was very strong. I've had this same thing happen a few
>>with an Antinori Chianti I used to like. After about 20 minutes the
>>mustiness had gone and the fruit was very much present. This became a
>>really good Zin I would go back for more of, but the initial mustiness was
>>pretty daunting.
>>Now........ is that TCA?? or not? Does TCA 'air out' of a wine once it's
>>opened, or is it simply there or not there?
>>I also have an interesting side note to this. I spoke with the friend
>>who recommended the wine, to ask if he has noted anything similar. He had
>>not noticed the mustiness, but the couple bottles he has had both
>>the same need to stand for 20 or 30 minutes for the fruit to come out. IN
>>ADDITION, his opened bottles both had synthetic corks in them, while mine
>>definitely a natural cork (Same exact vintage). I'm wondering whether
>>has anything to do with how Costco got this wine and whether the
>>- mustiness' was part of the unusually large price difference.
> Hm-m-m, good question. What I attribute to TCA contamination doesn't
> dissipate
> over a "little" time. I've never "re-visited" a suspect bottle, so my
> experiences will add nothing to the discussion, however, when I've had
> suspected taint, I've nursed a glass for a bit trying to decide if it IS
> corked and have never noticed any questionable aspect diminish. In these
> cases, the fruit is GONE, never to return. The acid levels are higher than
> expected, never to molify. I'm fairly sensitive to TCA (or to what I
> perceive
> as TCA) contamination, but there have been cases when I just wasn't sure
> until
> after a few sips.
> I've had the Rosenblum Richard Sauret Vineyard on several occasions, and
> found
> it to be a typical Rosenblum "fruit-bomb," a type of Zin that I do enjoy,
> and,
> though never finding it at MY Costco, have like it. As for Costco, I've
> returned a few dozen bottles over the years, and have always gotten a
> quick,
> no questions asked, replacement. A good policy in my book. I'd hate to
> think
> that they would market a wine of questionable quality, at any price. I
> also do
> not believe that Rosenblum would sell the wine, if they suspected any
> problem.
> A quick profit potential v turning off buyers for their other wines
> "should"
> loose out every time. I've only once met a winemaker, or winery
> representative, who shrugged off taint in one of their bottles. All others
> immediately act to get a good bottle into my hands as quickly as is
> possible
> and offer tons of apologies. If I had put my heart and soul into a bottle
> of
> wine, I'd want it to show its best at all times.
> Now, considering the mass of wine that Costco handles, it might be that
> their
> distribution channel(s) allow for more potential for environmentally
> accelerated taint. If, as some postulate, the cause is a least partially
> due
> to bacteria interaction with chlorine in the cork, perhaps heat at some
> point
> in the shipping/handling would have an acceleration effect - but that is
> only
> a guess. I've noticed more "corked" wine in AZ, than I ever did in
> Colorado,
> but that could just be because I'm drinking much more. If I did a
> spreadsheet,
> I might well find that the % is exactly the same, however I've returned
> many,
> many more bottles in this warmer clime, than I ever did in CO. Poor
> storage in
> the Sonoran Desert heat?
> In the other replies, it seems that most have had similar experiences, re
> dissipation of TCA taint over time. I'd lean towards other types of funk
> too,
> but have found NO indication of any in this particular Zin.
> Hunt