Salut/Hi Timothy Hartley,
le/on Mon, 10 Jan 2005 09:28:33 GMT, tu disais/you said:-
>In message >
> Biwah > wrote:
>> How to get a nose for a tasty profit
>> Anthony Rose explains how to invest in wine - the ultimate in liquid assets
>Is it time this group was moderated to prevent blasphemy?
Grin!! There's lots of that around! Nope, it's much better to let people say
what they want, and then killfile accordingly!
>For God's sake - to say nothing of our own - let's keep this site free of
>discussion about investment in wine for monetary profit.
>Now I'll sit back and wait to be flamed.
I doubt if you'll find _much_ discussion, as nearly everyone agrees with
you. You certainly won't get flamed, not for feeling that wine's for
pleasure, rather than speculation.
All the Best
Ian Hoare
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