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Melba's Jammin'
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In article >, Kate Connally
> wrote:

> > The mushrooms were great. Served with some
> > disgusting scalloped corn

> Why was the scalloped corn disgusting?

Dry and tasteless. Might not have had enough creamed corn in it. Maybe
too many cracker crumbs, too. Not enough salt. Boring.
> > and canned green beans that had no flavor
> > whatsoever, even though they'd been doused liberally with Butter Buds
> > before nuking.

> Well, duh! Butter Buds? No wonder.

Hey, watchyerself. The beans were absolutely tasteless. The BB should
have added something. Nothing could save them. They went into the
trash can.

> Yogurt is wonderful on baked potatoes although my
> first choice is sour cream. Guess you probably didn't
> have any yogurt either though.

Nope. I'da been there had I.

> Sorry your dinner didn't turn out.

> Kate

-Barb, <> More on 1-4-05 - Chicken Tortilla
Soup, and Swiss Steak.
"Are we going to measure or are we going to cook?" -Food writer
Mimi Sheraton