Cuisinart vs Kitchen Aid
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(PENMART01) wrote:
>>LucretiaBorgia wrote:
>>I am just about to replace my food processor.
>Why would any normal brained person want an appliance that treats/mangles food
>*exactly/precisely* the same as a garbage disposal?
Uhmmm somebody doesn't know how to use a food processor.
>When I visit a home with a food processor displayed in the kitchen I know with
>abolute certainty that cooking just does not happen there... those kinda
>pinhead's culinary skills are definitely tantamont to landfill/compost.
What a stupid opinion...
>---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
Well given that signature... that explains everything.
DiGiTAL_ViNYL (no email)
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