Chris Neidecker wrote:
> Kate, sounds like a good Christmas. Tell us more about the salsa -- have
> never had anything like that.
Well, it's pretty much like your average jarred salsa
but it had cherries in it and is fairly sweet. Cherry
Republic makes a hot version and a mild version. The hot
version is not horribly hot (at least to me) so that's
what I always get. You should check out the Cherry
Republic web site. They make a lot of great things
with cherries.
> I got a microplane zester/grater, too. I
> almost cried with joy the first time I used it to zest a lemon.
I just wonder why these things don't come with some sort of
protective sheath. They're lethal! :-) I was wondering where
to store it - not in the drawer with most of my utensils - don't
want to rip my hand to shreds reaching in for the spatula.
Decided to put it in the "less-used" utensil drawer.
> My husband got a lava lamp this year, from his dad. The thing is -- he's
> already got one! So he's giving it to our 7-year-old (sans weed, of
> course -- 7-y-o's don't need weed to get a kick out of a lava lamp).
Well, I don't either, really, but it would be awesome
with some weed. ;-)
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?