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Default Krispy Kreme: Is it me?

> Sheryl Rosen > wrote:
>>Anyway, stopped at Shaws on the way home from work. The first thing I put in
>>the cart was a pair of very small donuts. One chocolate frosted with Cream

> Very small? All the Krispy Kremes I've seen have been
> what I would call average sized for doughnuts. Not huge,
> but not tiny either. About the same size as Dunkin Donuts'
> product.

The Krispy Kremes regular glazed doughnut I have seen, is not average
sized in the least. It is the smallest doughnut I have ever seen. Not
counting doughnut holes though.

>>Is it just me, or is Krispy Kreme a lot of marketing hype and not much else?

> I think they are over-hyped a bit. The freshly made ones are better.
> Having grown up in the NorthEast I didn't run into KK till I moved
> to Virginia. I didn't see the big deal, and still don't.

Yep, it is way over-hyped. Though I have never had a KK fresh. Always
been bought, boxed up and brought to where ever I am.

When the first KK opened up here about 2 years ago, the hype was
unbelievable. I think there were long lines for the first 3 or 4 days.
Had to have a traffic cop.

The second KK to open, did not get near the hype. I didn't know one had
opened until about 6 months later. It is about 7 miles from where I
live. I won't drive 7 miles for a Hot/Fresh KK.

Now for a fresh bagel, ah, that I will drive for. Not even sex is better
than a great bagel fresh out of the oven. Don't have a great bagel shop
around here though. Good maybe, but not great.

Merry Christmas.

>>cheaper and were all about the fillling. Dad loved jelly or apple filled
>>donuts. Oh well.

> Yeah, KK is not great on filled. Not their strong suit at all.
> Bill Ranck
> Blacksburg, Va.