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F.G. Whitfurrows
Posts: n/a

Daniel wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am totally new in this NG, first post ever.
> I had a look at AFB on the advice of my friend Nick Crammer with whom
> I have few things in common:

Apparently you have a few things in common with the rest of us too, Daniel.
We mostly all think Nick should just cram it.<g>

Now cook your damned lamb and post a picture for God's sakes. No fair just
makin' me use my imagination like this. It don't work that good. I ain't 6
yrs old.

Plus my English ain't that damned good niether, and I was borned here. But I
been takin' lessons from Graeme over the phone and it seems to be gettin' a
wee bit better.

Welcome to the we need more people around *this* zoo.


Fosco Gamgee Whitfurrows
and his 6" boner

-Just havin' a little fun, don't get yourself
all worked up like Graeme-