Over here it's Turkey, at about 500 Deg. F.
"Abe" > wrote in message
> >"Asphalt gigot " (Gigot = lamb or mutton leg in French) is an old festive
> >tradition of the French building industry, created by the waterproofing
> >contractors. When the waterproofing contractor finished the installation
> >an asphalt roofing system over a concrete building roof, it is the end of
> >the structural works on that building and the whole project team
> >For such, several "gigots" are cooked in hot melted asphalt. Yep, hot
> >asphalt.
> ---------
> That has got to be the most bizarre cooking method I've ever heard.
> Speaking of industry-specific cooking methods, when I was a teenager
> working in my Father's dry cleaning store, we used to make grilled
> cheese sandwiches and heat up leftover meatloaf, chicken cutlets,
> etc... in the steam press.