" BOB" > wrote:
> wrote:
> > " BOB" > wrote:
> >> Thomas Cormen wrote:
> >>> []
> >> Is your meat thermometer calibrated properly?
> >> What kind is the meat thermometer? (brand?)
> >>
> >> http://www.thermoworks.com/products/...pen/index.html
> >>
> >> is IMO, the best availible. It's a little pricey (it
> >> seems that they are getting ready to increase the
> >> price), but still worth every cent.
> >>
> > I'm still saving up for the Omega HHM290 Supermeter
> > http://www.omega.com/pptst/HHM290.html
> >
> Looks like a winner. You do know that the Infrared can only read the
> surface temperature, don't you?
> I only ask this because I now own one (infrared sensor only)
> practically free because someone bought the thing expecting to take
> internal temperatures with it, and was so p-o-ed that he almost threw it
> away.
LMAO Have you checked the temp of the Sun with it, yet? Point & click, get
the answer in ten minutes or so. °~D
> I might have to put this in my bookmarks, and on my wish list, too. Look
> at all those things that it will do! Also, unless they've changed very
> recently, you can't beat Omega quality.
> DAMN! Nick, I just keep looking at that Omega...for all of the things
> that it will do, that $245 is pretty cheap. The PDF specifications page
> is printing as I type this...Thanks, buddy for spending my money...
My friend, Jim, has one. Ya put the fry pan on the stove, give it a couple
of minutes and in a few minutes get a reading. "700° F . . . that's hot
enough!" Didn't get a chance to aim it into a firebox at the hot charcoal.
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