"Kent" > wrote in message
> HI Tom:
> I learned the hard way, as you have, that you shouldn't rotisserie a
> standing rib roast, bone in or bone out with the rotisserie. The roast
> won't brown on the outside, and it will cook too much from periphery to
> periphery.
> The steel rod make all this much worse, by, as one poster said,
> transmitting heat too quickly to the center of the roast.
> To cook a standing rib on the Weber you:
That has not been my experience at all. Sounds like you are cooking it over
too low of a heat if the outside is not browning. Or it has to be moved
closed to the heat source. The steel rod does transmit some heat, but not
enough to overcome the benefits of a rotisseried rib roast, one of my all
time favorites.