There's one thing I use mine for: cold smoking. My BGE can't get down to
80 dF, but a cheap electric hot plate under the Brinkmann with a few
pieces of apple/mesquite/pecan will smoke your bacon at ambient. Takes
only a couple hours.
Best of luck.
Michael wrote:
> My boss just gave me a Brinkmann 'Smoke 'n' Grill. I've never really paid
> much attention to the Brinkmann modifications because I never thought I'd
> have one. It seems a shame not to get some use out of it. I have a Weber
> with a piece of sheet metal separating it into two chambers, a poor mans
> offset. I have another Weber, a nice gas grill and a Masterbuilt(?) upright.
> My question to the collective is can I improve my Q by using this (like,
> does it do something really well?) or should I pass it down the line.