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"Brick" > writes:

> As to your therm lying to you. I don't have a clue. Temperature 'IS'
> what it 'IS'. Perhaps you allowed the internal temp to get beyond
> the desired doneness point.

That's what's confusing me. I agree that temp is what it is
(depending on what the meaning of "is" is). But somehow, temp with a
metal skewer isn't the same as temp without.

If only I can remember this factoid the next time I drag out the

Thanks, all.


Tom Cormen

Alright. Dumbass that I am, I'll jump into this with both feet.
What is different about rotisserie vs grilling or BBQ? Roto
has a ~1/4" metal rod running right through the center of the
meat. In addition, it has 2 pairs of metal prongs imbedded in
the meat. All of that metal is absorbing radient heat and
carrying it into the meat from the inside. Maybe tomorrow
I will have a better idea of what effect that has, but it is
certainly different from just grilling or roasting. My initial
guess is that you have a set of circumstances where your
thermometer is likely to lie to you.
