Krispy Kreme: Is it me?
>>We just got a Krispy Kreme here in town recently
>>and I think the homemade donuts from the grocery store are waaaay better.
>Homemade from the grocery store?!
I used to work in the bakery department at Krogers and we made our own
doughnuts. We eventually moved to pre-made ones because they were cheaper and
the store didn't have use as many labor hours. I remember our doughnut sales
really dropped after that. Believe me, there's a difference between a
doughnut that's been made, proofed, fried, and glazed right there at the store
and one that's just been pulled from the freezer and defrosted. Perhaps the
original poster meant "made from scratch" or "tastes like homemade" when they
said "homemade".