"Lori Lee" > wrote in message =
> Red Maine shrimp (aka ama-ebi) are showing up in local markets. They
> are wonderful raw with ponzu, but I'm wondering if a marinade (perhaps
> sake based) might be called for. Any suggestions appreciated.
> Remove "No Spam" from e-mail address before replying
I am seeing the Amaebi as well in our local stores.
I have tried Amaebi with ponzu but found that Wasabi & Shouyu was
better, but that is basically personal taste.
I have almost always had Ama-ebi in raw form on sushi or as sashimi.
I think I have had it in Chawan-mushi, and I think maybe in a New Years
osechi, but basically just boiled.
I can not think of any marinating method but since Ama-ebi when cooked
tastes like any other cooked shrimp I suppose one can apply any method
used for "shrimp".