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  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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> Well John Jones, if my positing has in some way caused
> you unhappiness then I'm sorry that it has, but can't realy
> feel any guilt for it, given the freakshow environment that
> news groups are and we willingly participate in them. On a
> more positive note: the Gonad here is one of the most
> childish and dishonest people you will ever meet. Have fun
> with the stupid clown. What do you have to lose? It's really
> quite amusing some of the stupid things he does, and the
> stupid lies that he tells are sometimes hilarious. I can honestly
> say that I've laughed at the stupidity of the Gonad more than
> any other single thing in my life. Thanks for the years of hilarity
> via stupidity Mr Gonad.

Ray wrote:

Rudy the Spic (AKA) ~~Jonnie Ball~~( Mr. Gonad) is a well known idiot on
these groups,
he dresses in funny clothes and hangs around male public lavatories. he is
best avoided. He is also the group 'Racist' and hates the population of the
UK. He abuses the decent people of Yorkshire and reports group members to
their ISP for sending binary files on 'text only' groups.

I will leave it to your imagination what's at the other end of this rope,
but some poor black family is short of a Father!

BTW. ~~Jonnie~~ is the one with the hat, I have no idea why the other guy
has his hand up his shorts.

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query for the leaky Canadian homo-bondage.jpg