best popcorn maker?
In article >, "donald girod"
> writes:
>I would like opinions on what you think is the best popcorn maker out there
>(not air-popped, that stuff is really only good for packing material in my
>opinion). I have one of those overpriced aluminum pots with a crank, and it
>is fast and does a decent amount, but the bottom of the pot warped almost
>immediately, and the thing manages to trap quite a bit of steam in the
>popped corn, so that it can be tough sometimes.
If the "best" is what you desire only a commercial corn popper will do, the
type found at carnivals and in movie theaters... otherwise choose your
favoritre heavy pot and practice, practice, practice.... and here again is
where a gas cooktop is far superiour to electric.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
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