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On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 19:00:18 GMT, "misanthrope" > wrote:

> wrote in message
.. .
>> I try to avoid moderated groups, but believe how things go is greatly
>> determined by who is moderating. As for replies from the group after
>> you get in there, I guess it depends on the participants. But in all the
>> groups I've seen so far there is always an asshole or two, to varying
>> degrees. I hoped the philosophy group might be different, but Jones
>> seems pretty much an asshole. Maybe not. Maybe the subject of
>> whether or not life is a benefit doesn't apply to philosophy, but I feel
>> that it does. Really almost everything does, and that as much as any
>> imo.
>> >the only thing we can do is to quietly
>> >ignore these infestations with their pointless and idiotic back-biting,

>> You could take more than one fact you're taking
>> a different one now. I will say though that in all the times I've seen
>> people complain about what was posted in their chosen groups,
>> I have rarely if ever seen such a person have anything of value
>> to say.

>jj is an interesting and colourful character

I've yet to see evidence of that.

>on alt.phil, and he's just
>****ed that what used to be a useful group is now being turned into a circus
>by clowns with no interest in anything but infecting groups with their
>faecal discharges.

Meaning that philosophy people have no interest in whether or
not life is a benefit to anything. Most of the "Animal Rights" people
feel the same way about it apparently.

>i think he voices the opinion of the silent majority in
>alt.phil: it's a shame when this sort of thing happens to a group that's
>been useful and interesting.

Yes, if it ever was, it's too bad that it isn't any more. I've posted
to it more than once and don't recall anything useful or interesting
coming from it, so I can't be blamed for its downfall.

>it not only deters new members but also drives
>away old ones, and can in the long run kill the group.

Well, if instead of discussing the topic you simply complain about
it being brought up, that *could* have a negative influence as well,