In message >
Biwah > wrote:
> How to get a nose for a tasty profit
> Anthony Rose explains how to invest in wine - the ultimate in liquid assets
> Sunday Independent
> 08 January 2005
Is it time this group was moderated to prevenmt blasphemy? I am firmly of
the view that wine was given to us to drink not to make rich men richer and
prevent ordinary mortals ever getting near a really good bottle. I strongly
suspect that if it was possible some people would buy anything not for its
own sake but for its "investment value". Look what happens to a painting
discovered to be by a famous artist. The picture is no more nor less
beautiful than it has ever been and yet it suddenly becomes, in cash terms,
more valuable. Similar "thinking" has already taken the price of some wines
far beyond their true relative value - look at Cheval Blanc's price compared
with Figeac, for example. both are great wines can an yone really say that
the present price differential is justified on quality difference alone.
For God's sake - to say nothing of our own - let's keep this site free of
discussion about investment in wine for monetary profit.
Now I'll sit back and wait to be flamed.
Timothy Hartley