best popcorn maker?
Julia Altshuler > wrote in message news:<TmhHb.677023$Fm2.584244@attbi_s04>...
> donald girod wrote:
> > I would like opinions on what you think is the best popcorn maker out there
> > (not air-popped, that stuff is really only good for packing material in my
> > opinion). I have one of those overpriced aluminum pots with a crank, and it
> > is fast and does a decent amount, but the bottom of the pot warped almost
> > immediately, and the thing manages to trap quite a bit of steam in the
> > popped corn, so that it can be tough sometimes.
> >
> When you say "best," do you mean least expensive? Fastest? Least
> likely to burn kernels? Easiest to clean?
> My best popcorn maker is an ordinary sauce pot. I put a little oil on
> the bottom, maybe 1/8th of an inch. I put the kernels in to cover the
> bottom of the pan. Cover. Put it on medium heat and wait until you
> hear popping. When the popping dies down, look at your watch and count
> 15 seconds. If you hear a pop, start over. When you get up to 15 with
> no pops, remove from heat, apply butter, salt, spices, whatever.
> --Lia
I do exactly the same thing but add a little extra popcorn, which
tends to make it less oily, overall, and they still all pop. Nothing
tastes better than popcorn made the "old fashioned" way.