"DaleW" > wrote in message
> Ron, I've had the '91, plus tasted the (I think) '97 at a store
> tasting. Indeed, blind I might have mistaken the '91 for a Bordeaux.
> The '97 seemed oaky, but it was young. Allegrini consistently makes a
> good wine,. all the way down to the Valpo Classico and Palazzo della
> Torre. Moderately international, but still with its Venetian identity.
> You might also try the La Grola (I think La Poja is part of the larger
> La Grola vineyard), which is mostly Corvina, but with some Syrah and
> Sangiovese I think.
> As to breathing wines, I've tried to show restraint. Despite killfiling
> youknowwho, I sometimes see responses to those posts, but hold back.
> But I am weak. In the case of Italian wines, I get the giggles at the
> idea of air killing the wine, knowing that many prominent Piemontese
> vintners think nothing of pouring a Barolo that's been open 4 days for
> a potential customer. Even fully mature Barolos ('78s & '82s) usually
> seem better to me after a half-hour to open up. And of course not only
> Italians- the amount of decanting time given the '98 St. Emilions and
> Pomerols at my tasting last week was a better indicator of how they'd
> do than critics' scores.
> Thanks for the notes.
Thanks for the comments Dale. Yes it could easily be mistaken for a