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Mr. Scarpitti

Please, PLEASE!

You have expressed your thoughts on this matter, over and over and over and
over and over and over.

You are just plain boring!

I am the first to defend you right to have these opinions, but you have no
right in harassing an entire newsgroup, insisting that you are right and
anyone else is wrong, and certainly no right to bore the begorrah out of
those of us looking for the widest degree of participation on as wide a
subject scope as possible.

By far, the greater majority of contributors believe that oxidation, in
varying degrees, enhances their personal appreciation of wine.

Get that! - PERSONAL.

You yourself, have an extreme belief, however, by your own admission, your
experience is limited to Italian wines only.

The problem I have is this: vintners of Barolo (excuse me if I am mistaken -
an Italian wine, made by *real* Italians) do not agree with you - and I
know of whom I take greater cogniscence.

My very good friend Mr. Tommasi believes that you are a troll.

I tend to disagree - I believe that you are simply an idiot, who loves
reading his own bullshit.

At the risk of doing a "Michael Scarpitti" - I will repeat your own words.

Why don't you heed your own words and "Shut the hell up"
