> Frank,
> I'm not sure what you mean by "can't win."
> TCA is certainly a potential problem, and some wineries have had terrible
> problems caused by chlorine.
> On the other hand, bleach is cheap, readily available and hypochlorite
> kills everything a winemaker is interested in including spores.
> I have been cleaning winery floors since I was 14 (61 years). I have never
> experienced a TCA problem, so I continue to use it.
> I suppose I will have a catastrophic TCA problem one of these days, and then
> I will come over to your side of the fence.
> Regards,
> Lum
> Del Mar, California, USA
Hi Lum
What I mean by is once there is a contamination there is, unless I'm
mistaken, no way to salvage the wine. My grandfather used bleach and
(probably) never had a problem, either. But I figure why take the risk.
I use soda ash and triple rinse. It's pretty cheap, too.
OTOH, is there proof that TCA production is a result of using bleach?
Maybe I'm worrying about nothing.
Greensburg, PA