On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 07:32:41 GMT, in a fit of unbridled digital verbosity, once
again proving the problem is located between the seat and the keyboard, Dave
Whitmarsh > two-fingered to all:
|>On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 00:31:39 -0700, Little John
> wrote:
|>>On Sat, 27 Dec 2003 01:33:51 GMT, in a fit of unbridled digital verbosity,
|>>again proving the problem is located between the seat and the keyboard, Dave
|>>Whitmarsh > two-fingered to all:
|>>|>On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 18:11:31 -0700, Little John
> wrote:
|>>|>Found Bin Laden yet, son?
|>>I haven't been looking for him, marshy.
|>The question was rhetorical, 'tardboy.
The question was irrelevant to the discussion, and does not meet the definition
of rhetorical, marshy. However, the answer was rhetorical.
|>Santa didn't bring you any wits
|>for Christmas, did he.
You call me "tardboy", and you still believe in Santa? bwaaaaahahahahaha
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