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Dave Smith
Posts: n/a

Lucretia Borgia wrote:

> Here you go, enjoy.


That's basically what I do, except no lemon in my recipe and less precise
amounts. I get about two pounds of Seville oranges, cut out blemishes,
juice them, and save the pips. The pips go into a cheesecloth bag. Cut the
peels into thin strips. A food processor with a thin slicing blade does the
work in a few minutes. Toss the juice, the bag of pips and the sliced peel
into a large pot and add enough water just to cover it. Bring it just to a
boil and then turn it down so that it is just simmering and allow the peels
to steep for 2-3 hours until you can squish the peel between your thumb and

Using this mash, make the marmalade in small batches using equal parts of
mash and sugar. Bring it a rolling boil and for at least five minutes. Keep
a large cool bowl inverted on the counter and after about 5 minutes start
testing it for setting quality by pouring a little of it on the side of the
bowl. When it starts to set instead of running all the way down the side of
the bowl it is done. Allow it to sit for a few minutes to allow the fruit
to settle evenly. Then put it into jars and seal.