Thread: Airline food
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Chris Neidecker
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"Louis Cohen" > wrote in message

> Airline food would be much better if they stuck to cold dishes (salads,
> cold cuts, sandwiches, sushi, etc.) or food that reheats well (like the
> braised brisket you had, or other stews and braises). But they insist on
> serving reheated stir-fries or grilled meat/chicken.

The best airline food I ever had was cold poached salmon, served with sour
cream, fresh dill, fresh lemon, and I can't remember what else. Really
good. It was about 10 years ago -- I had a new job, and my first assignment
was to fly out to San Diego w/ my boss and his boss. As a result of buying
my ticket at the last minute, I paid full fare (well, the FAA paid, not me)
and somehow I ended up in first class with Lyle Lovett and some of his
entourage. Not sure what Lyle had for lunch that day, but he very kindly
helped me retrieve my bag from the overhead compartment upon deplaning.

Luckily, my new bosses were pretty cheerful about the whole thing. Not my
fault they had to sit in coach.