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Marc Hancock
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On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 13:41:51 GMT, "Peter Aitken"
> wrote:

>"CouldntCareLess" > wrote in message
>> Peter Aitken wrote:
>>>>If they have to use Shockwave Flash to produce a site about newsgroup
>>>>posting standards it's probably not worth reading.
>>> So far this is the dumbest post of the year.

>> Nope. Your post takes that honor. If they cannot produce a site explaining
>> posting standards using html or plain text it's not worth reading. A lot
>> of sites use flash to send ads, or other similar material. Anyone who
>> cannot explain posting standards using plain text or html should return
>> their computer as they are too ignorant to operate it properly.

>You are astoundingly stupid. People use Flash because it can add animation,
>sounds, and other features to a web page that you cannot get with HTML. It
>is a lot more difficult than plain HTML, and people use it because they
>prefer the results, not because they cannot do it with plain HTML. Sounds to
>me that you do not understand Flash and are too dumb to figure out how to
>use it, so you criticize those who can use it. Pitiful.

A majority of web design professionals disagree with you. Vehemently.