Thread: Airline food
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Gregory Morrow wrote:

> What is it with US airlines and their elderly and rude stews? Delta and
> Northwest are the very worst offenders that I've seen. And whatever
> happened to the concept of height - weight correlation? I've seen plenty of
> fat stews - who on earth wants to look at a fat stew? Fat people are tiring
> enough to look out, but to be working for an airline? These gals make flyig
> on US carriers a distinctly dreary experience. Some of these girls should
> have been put out to pasture long ago but heck, the pasture wouldn't even
> have them...
> I like the "Singapore Girl" stewardesses on Singapore Airlines - they are
> quiet, attractive, effecient and deferential. No fat mouthy scowling cabin
> staff on SQ!

Hands down the prettiest Flight Attendants I've
ever flown with were the amazonian women on KLM.
Those tall blondes in the gorgeous blue uniforms
with real curves and smiles made me feel right at
home I swear I don't think anyone in The
Netherlands is shorter than 5'8", LOL.
On a short flight between AMS and London and they
even fed us delicious egg salad sandwiches.