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Virginia Tadrzynski wrote:
> Lucky cow! My hubby bought me jewelry again. I wanted more gadgets. The
> girls at work think I'm nuts for not being happy with the jewelry, but I am
> not a jewelry person......I don't even wear my wedding ring (think Jennifer
> Paterson if you want to know why not) and earrings only to keep the holes in
> my head open (go ahead, I deserve it). I wanted gadgets. I told him I
> wanted a tilia....I took him to it....I pointed it out....said "gee, what I
> could do with one of these...." I showed him the mini processor I wanted. I
> even offered him the 20% we get off an item at Christmas from Wally world
> for him to use on one of them........what's he buy me.....more freaking
> jewelry!!!
> -ginny

Any of us more mature (ahem) women can tell you the secret
to getting exactly what you want for Christmas. Buy it for
yourself, period. You get the model, color, accessories,
and size you want, when you want it.

Jewelry is a romantic gesture that some of us would
appreciate. (My hubby bought me a computer that I am
glad to have, but...)

gloria p