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  #3 (permalink)   Report Post  
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_.-In, wrote the following -._

Makes some really bad claims:
A low calorie diet of overcooked, low calorie diet of overcooked,
processed and improperly combined foods will still make you fat
and leave sticky deposits in your arteries ...

If it is in fact a low calori diet (less than 1200 cal per day) then
you will loose wight. Provided your weight is more than 85 pounds and
you sit on your but and type 8 hours a day.

Now if you are eating overcooked processed food then you probibly
won't feel very good and you will always be craving food that fill
the neutritional gaps caused by such a diet and this may result in you
"binging" and that is never good.

> http://www.denverspiritualcommunity..../DietChpt7.htm

Makes a whole lot of claims but offers not one referance to support
its claims. A study, research paper, anything would be nice.


Is trying to sell you something. But has good logic:

There is no scientific evidence that eating fruits and
other carbs separately from protein will confuse your
enzymes or cause poor digestion. In fact, just the
opposite is true.

> sounds kosher to me.

Sounds like a way to eat 16 servings a day, one serving at a time. A
very inconvenient way to live if you have a *real* job.

.-')) ('-. | It's a damn poor mind that
' ..- .:" ) ( ":. -.. ' | can only think of one way to
((,,_;'.;' UIN=66618055 ';. ';_,,)) | spell a word.
((_.YIM=Faux_Pseudo :._)) | - Andrew Jackson