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>> I was attending a function, and ate a small open face sandwich that turned
>> out to have as a topping potato salad. It really tasted good.I then
>> thought about making a potato salad regular sandwich. Does such a
>> sandwich
>> sound strange? I will make it without telling my wife what is in it, and
>> get
>> her reaction. Any suggestions other than the normal type things in potato
>> salad.

>Here are things you could add to potato salad as a sandwich filling:
>Peas and curry powder
>Shrimp and dill
>Next time you're going to use your wife as a guinea pig, though, it
>shouldn't be for something as mundane as a potato salad sandwich. Make
>sweet-and-sour tripe, see how she likes it, and then tell her what it is.
>Cricketburgers and sweetbreads are also great "surprise!" foods.

I was listening to the Glenn Beck radio show the other day and he was talking
about Mashed Potato Pizza, which sounds like a carb overload but sounds tasty.
As I remember the recipe, he said he uses one of those premade Pizza crusts
like Boboli, then makes up mashed potatoes and doctors them up good with sour
cream and chives and bacon and cream cheese, which I'm guessing will help hold
the potato mixture on the crust. The mashed potato mixture is spread on the
crust, and topped with mozzarella and baked until the mozzarella is bubbly. If
I weren't trying to lose weight I think I would give it a try.

Michael O'Connor - Modern Renaissance Man

"The likelihood of one individual being right increases in a direct proportion
to the intensity with which others try to prove him wrong."